Ivan Ohlídal, Daniel Franta
Ellipsometry of thin film systems
Progress in Optics 41 (2000) 181-282
You can also contact one of the authors: ohlidal@physics.muni.cz, franta@physics.muni.cz
Citing Articles
- Franta D., Ohlídal I., Klapetek P., Pokorný P., Ohlídal M.,
Analysis of inhomogeneous thin films of ZrO2 by the combined optical method and atomic force microscopy,
Surface and Interface Analysis 32 (2001) 91–94 - Ohlídal I., Franta D., Frumar M., Jedelský J., Navrátil K.,
Complete optical analysis of amorphous As–S chalcogenide thin films by the combined spectrophotometric method,
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 3 (2001) 873–878 - Postava K., Sueki H., Aoyama M., Yamaguchi T., Murakami K., Igasaki Y.,
Doping effects on optical properties of epitaxial ZnO layers determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry,
Applied Surface Science 175 (2001) 543–548 - Franta D., Zajíčková L., Ohlídal I., Janča J.,
Optical characterization of diamond-like carbon films,
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Simple trace criterion for classification of multilayers,
Optics Letters 26 (2001) 1400–1402 - Klapetek P., Ohlídal I., Franta D., Pokorný P.,
Analysis of the boundaries of ZrO2 and HfO2 thin films by atomic force microscopy and the combined optical method,
Surface and Interface Analysis 33 (2002) 559–564 - Franta D., Ohlídal I., Klapetek P., Pokorný P.,
Characterization of the boundaries of thin films of TiO2 by atomic force microscopy and optical methods,
Surface and Interface Analysis 34 (2002) 759–762 - Franta D., Ohlídal I., Klapetek P., Montaigne-Ramil A., Bonanni A., Stifter D., Sitter H.,
Influence of overlayers on determination of the optical constants of ZnSe thin films,
Journal of Applied Physics 92 (2002) 1873–1880 - Franta D., Zajíčková L., Ohlídal I., Janča J., Veltruská K.,
Optical characterization of diamond like carbon films using multi-sample modification of variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry,
Diamond and Related Materials 11 (2002) 105–117 - Yonte T., Monzón J. J., Sánchez-Soto L. L., Cariñena J. F., López-Lacasta C.,
Understanding multilayers from a geometrical viewpoint,
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 19 (2002) 603–609 - Franta D., Zajíčková L., Buršíková V., Ohlídal I.,
New dispersion model of the optical constants of the DLC films,
Acta Physica Slovaca 53 (2003) 373–384 - Franta D., Ohlídal I., Klapetek P., Montaigne-Ramil A., Bonanni A., Stifter D., Sitter H.,
Optical constants of ZnTe and ZnSe epitaxial thin films,
Acta Physica Slovaca 53 (2003) 95–104 - Franta D., Ohlídal I., Buršíková V., Zajíčková L.,
Optical properties of diamond-like carbon films containing SiOx,
Diamond and Related Materials 12 (2003) 1532–1538 - Franta D., Ohlídal I., Klapetek P., Ohlídal M.,
Characterization of thin oxide films on GaAs substrates by optical methods and atomic force microscopy,
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Complete characterization of rough polymorphous silicon films by atomic force microscopy and the combined method of spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectroscopic reflectometry,
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Influence of composition, exposure and thermal annealing on optical properties of As–S chalcogenide thin films,
Chalcogenide Letters 1 (2004) 1–10 - Franta D., Ohlídal I., Buršíková V., Zajíčková L.,
Optical properties of diamond-like carbon films containing SiOx studied by the combined method of spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectroscopic reflectometry,
Thin Solid Films 455–456 (2004) 393–398 - Franta D., Ohlídal I., Klapetek P., Montaigne-Ramil A., Bonanni A., Stifter D., Sitter H.,
Optical properties of ZnTe films prepared by molecular beam epitaxy,
Thin Solid Films 468 (2004) 193–202 - Ohlídal I., Franta D., Klapetek P.,
Combination of optical methods and atomic force microscopy at characterization of thin film systems,
Acta Physica Slovaca 55 (2005) 271–294 - Franta D., Ohlídal I.,
Comparison of effective medium approximation and Rayleigh–Rice theory concerning ellipsometric characterization of rough surfaces,
Optics Communications 248 (2005) 459–467 - Šiler M., Ohlídal I., Franta D., Montaigne-Ramil A., Bonanni A., Stifter D., Sitter H.,
Optical characterization of double layers containing epitaxial ZnSe and ZnTe films,
Journal of Modern Optics 52 (2005) 583–602 - Franta D., Ohlídal I., Mistrík J., Yamaguchi T., Hu G. J., Dai N.,
Optical characterization of sol-gel deposited PZT thin films by spectroscopic ellipsometry and reflectometry in near-UV and visible regions,
Applied Surface Science 244 (2005) 338–342 - Franta D., Ohlídal I., Petrýdes D.,
Optical characterization of TiO2 thin films by the combined method of spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectroscopic photometry,
Vacuum 80 (2005) 159–162 - Franta D., Negulescu B., Thomas L., Dahoo P. R., Guyot M., Ohlídal I., Mistrík J., Yamaguchi T.,
Optical properties of NiO thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique,
Applied Surface Science 244 (2005) 426–430 - Mistrík J., Yamaguchi T., Franta D., Ohlídal I., Hu G. J., Dai N.,
Optical properties of slightly rough LaNiO3 thin films studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry and reflectometry,
Applied Surface Science 244 (2005) 431–434 - Ohlídal I., Franta D., Šiler M., Vižďa F., Frumar M., Jedelský J., Omasta J.,
Comparison of dispersion models in the optical characterization of As–S chalcogenide thin films,
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352 (2006) 5633–5641 - Franta D., Ohlídal I.,
Influence of lateral dimensions of the irregularities on the optical quantities of rough surfaces,
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 8 (2006) 763–774 - Valtr M., Ohlídal I., Franta D.,
Optical characterization of carbon films prepared by PECVD using ellipsometry and reflectometry,
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 (2006) B1103–B1109 - Franta D., Buršíková V., Ohlídal I., Sťahel P., Ohlídal M., Nečas D.,
Correlation of thermal stability of the mechanical and optical properties of diamond-like carbon films,
Diamond and Related Materials 16 (2007) 1331–1335 - Franta D., Ohlídal I., Nečas D.,
Influence of cross-correlation effects on the optical quantities of rough films,
Optics Express 16 (2008) 7789–7803 - Franta D., Buršíková V., Nečas D., Zajíčková L.,
Modeling of optical constants of diamond-like carbon,
Diamond and Related Materials 17 (2008) 705–708 - Franta D., Zajíčková L., Karásková M., Jašek O., Nečas D., Klapetek P., Valtr M.,
Optical characterization of ultrananocrystalline diamond films,
Diamond and Related Materials 17 (2008) 1278–1282 - Franta D., Ohlídal I., Nečas D.,
Optical quantities of rough films calculated by Rayleigh-Rice theory,
Physica Status Solidi C 5 (2008) 1395–1398 - Ohlídal I., Nečas D., Franta D.,
Spectroscopic ellipsometry and reflectometry of statistically rough surfaces exhibiting wide intervals of spatial frequencies,
Physica Status Solidi C 5 (2008) 1399–1402 - Valtr M., Klapetek P., Buršíková V., Ohlídal I., Franta D.,
Surface morphology of amorphous hydrocarbon thin films deposited in pulsed radiofrequency discharge,
Chemické listy 102 (2008) s1529–s1532 - Ohlídal I., Nečas D., Franta D., Buršíková V.,
Characterization of non-uniform diamond-like carbon films by spectroscopic ellipsometry,
Diamond and Related Materials 18 (2009) 364–367 - Franta D., Nečas D., Ohlídal I., Hrdlička M., Pavlišta M., Frumar M., Ohlídal M.,
Combined method of spectroscopic ellipsometry and photometry as an efficient tool for the optical characterisation of chalcogenide thin films,
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 11 (2009) 1891–1898 - Franta D., Nečas D., Zajíčková L., Buršíková V., Cobet C.,
Band structure of diamond-like carbon films assessed from optical measurements in wide spectral range,
Diamond and Related Materials 19 (2010) 114–122 - Franta D., Nečas D., Ohlídal I.,
Anisotropy-enhanced depolarization on transparent film/substrate system,
Thin Solid Films 519 (2011) 2637-2640 - Ohlídal I., Ohlídal M., Nečas D., Franta D., Buršíková V.,
Optical characterisation of SiOxCyHz thin films non-uniform in thickness using spectroscopic ellipsometry, spectroscopic reflectometry and spectroscopic imaging reflectometry,
Thin Solid Films 519 (2011) 2874-2876 - Franta D., Nečas D., Zajíčková L., Ohlídal I., Stuchlík J., Chvostová D.,
Application of sum rule to the dispersion model of hydrogenated amorphous silicon,
Thin Solid Films 539 (2013) 233-244 - Franta D., Nečas D., Zajíčková L.,
Application of Thomas–Reiche–Kuhn sum rule to construction of advanced dispersion models,
Thin Solid Films 534 (2013) 432-441 - Nečas D., Franta D., Ohlídal I., Poruba A., Wostrý P.,
Ellipsometric characterization of inhomogeneous non-stoichiometric silicon nitride films,
Surface and Interface Analysis 45 (2013) 1188-1192 - Franta D., Ohlídal I.,
Proc: Calculation of the optical quantities characterizing inhomogeneous thin film using a new mathematical procedure based on the matrix formalism and Drude approximation,
Proceedings of 12th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, SPIE, 12th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, SPIE (2001) 207-212
Cited Articles
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Complete optical characterization of the SiO2/Si system by spectroscopic ellipsometry, spectroscopic reflectometry and atomic force microscopy,
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Statistical properties of the near-field speckle patterns of thin films with slightly rough boundaries,
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Ellipsometric parameters and reflectances of thin films with slightly rough boundaries,
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