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2D Materials2D Materials2D Mater.TDMIF
AAPS PharmSciTechAAPS PharmSciTechAAPS PharmSciTechAAAPSTIF
ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesACS Applied Materials & InterfacesACS Appl. Mater. InterfacesACSIF
Acta Physica Polonica AActa Physica Polonica AActa Phys. Pol. AAPPAIF
Acta Physica SlovacaActa Physica SlovacaActa Phys. SlovacaAPSIF
Acta Veterinaria BrnoActa Veterinaria BrnoActa Vet. BrnoAVBIF
Advanced MaterialsAdvanced MaterialsAdv. Mater.AdMaIF
Advanced Materials ResearchAdvanced Materials ResearchAdvanced Materials ResearchAMR
Advanced Optical MaterialsAdvanced Optical MaterialsAdv. Opt. Mater.AOMIF
Advances in Materials Science and EngineeringAdvances in Materials Science and EngineeringAdvances in Materials Science and EngineeringAMSEIF
Advances in Polymer TechnologyAdvances in Polymer TechnologyAdv. Polym. Technol.APTIF
Analytical And Bioanalytical ChemistryAnal. Bioanal. Chem.Anal. Bioanal. Chem.ABCIF
Applied Materials TodayAppl. Mater. TodayAppl. Mater. TodayAMTIF
Applied OpticsApplied OpticsAppl. Opt.AOIF
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and ProcessingApplied Physics AAppl. Phys. AAPAIF
Applied Physics LettersApplied Physics LettersAppl. Phys. Lett.APLIF
Applied SpectroscopyApplied SpectroscopyAppl. Spectrosc.AS
Applied Surface ScienceApplied Surface ScienceAppl. Surf. Sci.ASSIF
Applied Thermal EngineeringApplied Thermal EngineeringAppl. Therm. Eng.ATEIF
Astronomy and AstrophysicsAstronomy and AstrophysicsAstron. Astrophys.AAIF
Brazilian Journal of PhysicsBrazilian Journal of PhysicsBraz. J. Phys.BJPIF
Bulletin of Materials ScienceBulletin of Materials ScienceBull. Mat. Sci.BMSIF
Central European Journal of PhysicsCentral European Journal of PhysicsCent. Eur. J. Phys.CEJPIF
Ceramics InternationalCeramics InternationalCeram. Int.CIIF
Československý časopis pro fyzikuČeskoslovenský časopis pro fyzikuČs. čas. fyz.CCF
Chalcogenide LettersChalcogenide LettersChalc. Lett.CL
Chemistry-A European JournalChem.-Eur. J.Chem.-Eur. J.CHEURIF
Chemické listyChemické listyChemické listyCHLIF
Chemistry of MaterialsChemistry of MaterialsChem. Mat.CMIF
Chinese Journal of Chemical PhysicsChinese Journal of Chemical PhysicsChin. J. Chem. Phys.CJCPIF
Chinese Physics LettersChinese Physics LettersChin. Phys. Lett.CPLIF
CIRP Annals: Manufacturing TechnologyCIRP Annals: Manufacturing TechnologyCIRP Ann.: Manuf. Technol.CIRPAIF
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical CommunicationsCollection of Czechoslovak Chemical CommunicationsCollect. Czech. Chem. Commun.CCCCIF
Colloid and Polymer ScienceColloid and Polymer ScienceColloid Polym. Sci. CPSIF
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering AspectsColloids and Surfaces AColloid Surf. ACSAIF
Computational Materials ScienceComputational Materials ScienceComp. Mater. Sci.CMS
Computer Physics CommunicationsComputer Physics CommunicationsComput. Phys. Commun.CPCIF
Contribution to Plasma PhysicsContribution to Plasma PhysicsContrib. Plasma Phys.CPPIF
Current Applied PhysicsCurrent Applied PhysicsCurr. Appl. Phys.CAPIF
Czechoslovak Journal of PhysicsCzechoslovak Journal of PhysicsCzech. J. Phys.CJPIF
Diamond and Related MaterialsDiamond and Related MaterialsDiam. Relat. Mat.DRMIF
e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnologye-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnologye-Journal of Surface Science and NanotechnologyEJSSNT
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and TechnologyECS Journal of Solid State Science and TechnologyECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol.ECSJSSSTIF
Engineering Research ExpressEngineering Research ExpressEng. Res. ExpressERXIF
European Physical Journal DEuropean Physical Journal DEur. Phys. J. DEPJDIF
European Physical Journal-Applied PhysicsEuropean Physical Journal-Applied PhysicsEur. Phys. J.-Appl. PhysEPJIF
High Temperature Material ProcessesHigh Temperature Material ProcessesHigh Temp. Mater. ProcessHTMPIF
IEEE Sensors JournalIEEE Sensors J.IEEE Sensors J.IEEESENSIF
IEEE Transactions on Plasma ScienceIEEE Transactions on Plasma ScienceIEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.IEEEIF
Il Nuovo Cimento C: Colloquia on physicsIl Nuovo Cimento CNuovo Cimento CNCC
Indian Journal of Pure & Applied PhysicsIndian Journal of Pure & Applied PhysicsIndian J. Pure Appl. Phys.IJPIF
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ResearchIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry ResearchInd. Eng. Chem. Res.IECRIF
International Journal of Electrochemical ScienceInternational Journal of Electrochemical ScienceInt. J. Electrochem. Sci. IJESIF
International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyInternational Journal of Hydrogen EnergyINT J HYDROGEN ENERGIJHEIF
International Journal of Molecular SciencesInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci.IJMSIF
International Journal of Surface Science and EngineeringInternational Journal of Surface Science and EngineeringInt. J. Surf. Sci. Eng.IJSIF
International Materials ReviewsInternational Materials ReviewsInt. Mater. Rev.IMRIF
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-ChemistryJ. Photochem. Photobiol. A-Chem.J. Photochem. Photobiol. A-Chem.JPPAIF
Japanese Journal of Applied PhysicsJapanese Journal of Applied PhysicsJpn. J. Appl. Phys.JJAPIF
Jemná mechanika a optikaJemná mechanika a optikaJemná mechanika a optikaJMOP
Journal of Advanced Oxidation TechnologiesJournal of Advanced Oxidation TechnologiesJournal of Advanced Oxidation TechnologiesJAOTIF
Journal of Alloys and CompoundsJournal of Alloys and CompoundsJ. Alloy. Compd.JALCIF
Journal of Analytical Atomic SpectrometryJournal of Analytical Atomic SpectrometryJ. Anal. At. Spectrom.JAASIF
Journal of Applied CrystallographyJournal of Applied CrystallographyJ. Appl. Crystallogr.JACIF
Journal of Applied PhysicsJournal of Applied PhysicsJ. Appl. Phys.JAPIF
Journal of Applied Polymer ScienceJournal of Applied Polymer ScienceJ. Appl. Polym. Sci.JAPSIF
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part AJournal of Biomedical Materials Research Part AJ. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part AJBMRAIF
Journal of Ceramic Processing ResearchJournal of Ceramic Processing ResearchJ. Ceram. Process. Res. JCPRIF
Journal of Colloid and Interface ScienceJournal of Colloid and Interface ScienceJ. Colloid Interface Sci. JCISIF
Journal of Cultural HeritageJournal of Cultural HeritageJ. Cult. Herit.JCH
Journal Of Electrical Engineering-Elektrotechnicky CasopisJournal Of Electrical EngineeringJ. Electr. Eng.JEEECIF
Journal of Electrinic MaterialsJournal of Electrinic MaterialsJ. Electron. Mater.JEMIF
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical PhysicsJournal of Experimental and Theoretical PhysicsJ. Exp. Theor. Phys.JETPIF
Journal of LuminescenceJournal of LuminescenceJ. Lumines.JLIF
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic MaterialsJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic MaterialsJ. Magn. Magn. Mater.JMMMIF
Journal of Materials ChemistryJournal of Materials ChemistryJ. Mater. Chem.JMACEPIF
Journal of Materials Chemistry BJournal of Materials Chemistry BJ. Mater. Chem. BJMCBIF
Journal of Materials ScienceJournal of Materials ScienceJ. Mater. Sci.JMSIF
Journal of Micromechanics and MicroengineeringJournal of Micromechanics and MicroengineeringJ. Micromech. Microeng.JMMIF
Journal of Modern OpticsJournal of Modern OpticsJ. Mod. Opt.JMOIF
Journal of Molecular StructureJournal of Molecular StructureJ. Mol. Struct.JMSTIF
Journal of Nano ResearchJournal of Nano ResearchJ. Nano Res.JNRIF
Journal of Nanoscience and NanotechnologyJournal of Nanoscience and NanotechnologyJ. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.JNNIF
Journal of Non-Crystalline SolidsJournal of Non-Crystalline SolidsJ. Non-Cryst. SolidsJNCSIF
Journal of Nuclear MaterialsJournal of Nuclear MaterialsJ. Nucl. Mater.JNM
Journal of OpticsJournal of OpticsJ. Opt.JOIF
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied OpticsJournal of Optics A: Pure and Applied OpticsJ. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt.JOAIF
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced MaterialsJournal of Optoelectronics and Advanced MaterialsJ. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater.JOAMIF
Journal of Physical Chemistry A Journal of Physical Chemistry A J. Phys. Chem. AJPCAIF
Journal of Physical Chemistry BJournal of Physical Chemistry BJ. Phys. Chem. BJPCBIF
Journal of Physical Chemistry CJournal of Physical Chemistry CJ. Phys. Chem. CJPCCIF
Journal of Physical Chemistry LettersJournal of Physical Chemistry LettersJ. Phys. Chem. Lett.JPCLIF
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of SolidsJournal of Physics and Chemistry of SolidsJ. Phys. Chem. SolidsJPCSIF
Journal of Physics D: Applied PhysicsJournal of Physics DJ. Phys. D-Appl. Phys.JPDIF
Journal of Physics: Condensed MatterJournal of Physics: Condensed MatterJ. Phys.: Condens. MatterJPCMIF
Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesJournal of Physics: Conference Series J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.JPCONFIF
Journal of Polymer Science B: Polymer PhysicsJournal of Polymer Science BJ. Polym. Sci. BJPSB
Journal of SensorsJournal of SensorsJ. SensorsJSIF
Journal of the American Ceramic SocietyJournal of the American Ceramic SocietyJ. Am. Ceram. Soc.JACSIF
Journal of the Electrochemical SocietyJournal of the Electrochemical SocietyJ. Electrochem. Soc.JESIF
Journal of the European Ceramic SocietyJournal of the European Ceramic SocietyJ. Eur. Ceram. Soc.JECSIF
Journal of the Korean Physical SocietyJournal of the Korean Physical SocietyJ. Korean Phys. Soc.JKPS
Journal of the Optical Society of AmericaJournal of the Optical Society of AmericaJ. Opt. Soc. Am.JOSAIF
Journal of the Optical Society of America AJournal of the Optical Society of America AJ. Opt. Soc. Am. AJOSAAIF
Journal of the Optical Society of America BJournal of the Optical Society of America BJ. Opt. Soc. Am. BJOSABIF
Journal of Tribology-Transactions of the ASMEJournal of Tribology-Transactions of the ASMEJ. Tribol.-Trans. ASMEJTIF
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology BJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology BJ. Vac. Sci. Technol. BJVSTBIF
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology AJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology AJ. Vac. Sci. Technol. AJVSTAIF
Korean Journal of Chemical EngineeringKorean Journal of Chemical EngineeringKorean J. Chem. Eng.KJCEIF
Macromolecular BioscienceMacromolecular BioscienceMacromol. Biosci.MMBSIF
Materials & DesignMaterials & DesignMATER DESIGNMDIF
Materials CharacterizationMaterials CharacterizationMater. Charact.MCHIF
Materials Chemistry and PhysicsMaterials Chemistry and PhysicsMater. Chem. Phys.MCPIF
Materials Chemistry FrontiersMaterials Chemistry FrontiersMat. Chem. Front.MCFIF
Materials LettersMaterials LettersMater LettMLIF
Materials Research BulletinMaterials Research BulletinMater. Res. Bull.MRBIF
Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and ProcessingMaterials Science and Engineering AMater. Sci. Eng. AMSEAIF
Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid State Materials for Advanced TechnologyMaterials Science and Engineering BMater. Sci. Eng. BMSEBIF
Materials Science and Engineering C: Biomimetic and Supramolecular SystemsMaterials Science and Engineering CMater. Sci. Eng. CMSECIF
Materials Science-MedziagotyraMaterials Science-MedziagotyraMater. Sci.-Medzg.MSMIF
Materialwissenschaft und WerkstofftechnikMaterialwissenschaft und WerkstofftechnikMaterialwiss. Werkstofftech.MWIF
Measurement Science and TechnologyMeasurement Science and TechnologyMeas. Sci. Technol.MSTIF
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials ScienceMetallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials ScienceMetall. Mater. Trans. A-Phys. Metall. Mater. Sci.MMTIF
Microchimica ActaMicrochimica ActaMicrochim. ActaMCAIF
Microporous and Mesoporous MaterialsMicroporous and Mesoporous MaterialsMicroporous Mesoporous Mat.MMMIF
Mikrochimica ActaMikrochimica ActaMikrochim. ActaMKAIF
Nanoscale Research LettersNanoscale Research LettersNanoscale Res. Lett.NRTIF
Nature MaterialsNature MaterialsNat. Mater.NMIF
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Reserch Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Reserch Section ANucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. NIMAIF
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B - Beam Interactions Materials and AtomsNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section BNucl. Instrum. Methods BNIMBIF
Optica ActaOptica ActaOpt. ActaOAIF
Optical EngineeringOptical EngineeringOpt. Eng.OEIF
Optical MaterialsOptical MaterialsOpt. Mater.OMIF
Optical Materials ExpressOptical Materials ExpressOpt. Mater. Express OMEIF
Optics and Laser TechnologyOptics and Laser TechnologyOpt. Laser Technol.OLTIF
Optics and Lasers in EngineeringOptics and Lasers in EngineeringOpt. Lasers Eng.OLEIF
Optics CommunicationsOptics CommunicationsOpt. Commun.OCIF
Optics ExpressOptics ExpressOpt. ExpressOEXIF
Optics LettersOptics LettersOpt. Lett.OLIF
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid CommunicationsOptoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid CommunicationsOptoelectron. Adv. Mater. Rapid Commun.OAMRC
Physica B: Condensed MatterPhysica BPhysica BPBIF
Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems & NanostructuresPhysica EPhysica EPEIF
Physica ScriptaPhysica ScriptaPhys. Scr.PSIF
Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials SciencePhysica Status Solidi APhys. Status Solidi APSSAIF
Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State PhysicsPhysica Status Solidi BPhys. Status Solidi BPSSBIF
Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State PhysicsPhysica Status Solidi CPhys. Status Solidi CPSSC
Physical Chemistry Chemical PhysicsPhysical Chemistry Chemical PhysicsPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys.PCCPIF
Physical Review APhysical Review APhys. Rev. APRA
Physical Review BPhysical Review BPhys. Rev. BPRBIF
Physical Review CPhysical Review CPhys. Rev. CPRC
Physical Review DPhysical Review DPhys. Rev. DPRD
Physical Review EPhysical Review EPhys. Rev. EPRE
Physical Review LettersPhysical Review LettersPhys. Rev. Lett.PRL
Physics of PlasmasPhysics of PlasmasPhys. PlasmasPPLIF
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma ProcessingPlasma Chem. Plasma Process.Plasma Chem. Plasma Process.PCPPIF
Plasma Physics and Controlled FusionPlasma Phys. Control. FusionPlasma Physics and Controlled FusionPPCFIF
Plasma Processes and PolymersPlasma Processes and PolymersPlasma Process. Polym.PPPIF
Plasma Science & TechnologyPlasma Science & TechnologyPlasma Sci. Technol.PSTIF
Plasma Sources Science and TechnologyPlasma Sources Science and TechnologyPlasma Sources Sci. Technol.PSSTIF
Plasmas and PolymersPlasmas and PolymersPlasmas and PolymersPP
Polimeri: Plastics and Rubber JournalPolimeriPolimeriPPARJ
Powder TechnologyPowder TechnologyPowder Technol.PTIF
Progress in OpticsProgress in OpticsProg. Opt.POIF
Progress in organic coatingsProgress in organic coatingsPROG ORG COATPOC
Przemysl ChemicznyPrzemysl ChemicznyPrzem. Chem.PCHIF
Pure and Applied ChemistryPure and Applied ChemistryPure Appl. Chem.PACIF
Pure and Applied OpticsPure and Applied OpticsPure Appl. Opt.PAOIF
Quantum ElectronicsQuantum ElectronicsQuantum Electron.QEIF
Radiation Physics and ChemistryRadiation Physics and ChemistryRadiat. Phys. Chem.RPCIF
Rapid Communications in Mass SpectrometryRapid Communications in Mass SpectrometryRapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.RCMSIF
Review of Scientific InstrumentsReview of Scientific InstrumentsR. Sci. Inst.APSIIF
Revista Mexicana de FisicaRevista Mexicana de FisicaRev. Mex. Fis. RMFIF
RSC AdvancesRSC AdvancesRSC AdvancesRSCAIF
Science of SinteringScience of SinteringSci. Sinter.SOSIF
Scientific ReportsScientific ReportsSci. Rep.SCIREPIF
Sensors and Actuators B: ChemicalSens. Actuator B-Chem.Sens. Actuator B-Chem.SENSACTBIF
Solar EnergySolar EnergySol. Energy SEIF
Solar Energy Materials and Solar CellsSolar Energy Materials and Solar CellsSol. Energy Mater. Sol. CellsSEMSCIF
Solid State CommunicationsSolid State CommunicationsSolid State Commun. SSCIF
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular SpectroscopySpectrochimica Acta Part ASpectroc. Acta Pt. A: Molec. Biomolec. Spectr. SAPAIF
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic SpectroscopySpectrochimica Acta Part BSpectrochim. Acta Pt. B: Atom. Spectr.SAPBIF
Springer Series in Surface SciencesSpringer Series in Surface SciencesSpringer Series in Surface SciencesSSSS
Superlattices and MicrostructuresSuperlattices and MicrostructuresSuperlattice Microst.SMIF
Surface and Coatings TechnologySurface and Coatings TechnologySurf. Coat. Technol.SCTIF
Surface and Interface AnalysisSurface and Interface AnalysisSurf. Interface Anal.SIAIF
Surface EngineeringSurface EngineeringSurf. Eng.SENIF
Surface Review and LettersSurface Review and LettersSurf. Rev. Lett.SRLIF
Surface ScienceSurface ScienceSurf. Sci.SSIF
Surface Topography: Metrology and PropertiesSurface Topography: Metrology and PropertiesSurf. Topogr.-Metrol. Prop.STMPIF
Tekstil ve KonfeksiyonTekstil ve KonfeksiyonTekst. Konfeksiyon TVKIF
Thermochimica ActaThermochimica ActaThermochim. ActaTAIF
Thin Solid FilmsThin Solid FilmsThin Solid FilmsTSFIF
Thin Solid Films – PrefaceThin Solid Films – PrefaceThin Solid Films – PrefaceTSFP
Transactions of the Institute of Metal FinishingTransactions of the Institute of Metal FinishingTrans. Inst. Metal Finish.TIMFIF
Tribology InternationalTribology InternationalTribol. Int.TIIF
Tribology LettersTribology LettersTribol. Lett.TLIF