Publications in Vacuum
G G, hiraman R, Gubala V, O\'Mahony C, Cummins T, Raj J, Eltayeb A, Doyle C, James B, Daniels S, Williams D,PECVD coatings for functionalization of point-of-care biosensor surfaces,
Vacuum Vol. 86 5, SI (2012) 547-555
G G, hiraman R, Gubala V, O\'Mahony C, Cummins T, Raj J, Eltayeb A, Doyle C, James B, Daniels S, Williams D,
PECVD coatings for functionalization of point-of-care biosensor surfaces,
Vacuum Vol. 86 5, SI (2012) 547-555
Mikula M, Grancic B, Roch T, Plecenik T, Vavra I, Dobrocka E, Satka A, er e, Buršíková V., Drzik M, Zahoran M, Plecenik A, Kus P,The influence of low-energy ion bombardment on the microstructure development and mechanical properties of TiB(x) coatings,
Vacuum Vol. 85 9 (2011) 866-870
Choudhury A, Chutia J, Kakati H, Barve S, Pal A, Sen Sarma N, Chowdhury D, Patil D,Studies of radiofrequency plasma deposition of hexamethyldisiloxane films and their thermal stability and corrosion resistance behavior,
Vacuum Vol. 84 (2010) 1327–1333
Šniurevičiūtė M, Laurikaitienė J, Adlienė D, Augulis L, Rutkūnienė , Jotautis A,Stress and strain in DLC films induced by electron bombardment,
Vacuum Vol. 83 (2009) S159–S161
Mikula M, Grancic B, Buršíková V., Csuba A, Drzik M, Kavecky S, Plecenik A, Kus P,Mechanical properties of superhard TiB2 coatings prepared by DC magnetron sputtering,
Vacuum Vol. 82 2 (2007) 278-281
Pihosh Y, Biederman H, Slavinska D, Kousal J, Choukourov A, Trchova M, Mackova A, Boldyryeva A,Composite SiOx/fluorocarbon plasma polymer films prepared by r.f. magnetron sputtering of SiO2 and PTFE,
Vacuum Vol. 81 1 (2006) 38-44
Klapetek P, Ohlídal I., Montaigne-Ramil A, Bonanni A, Sitter H,Atomic force microscopy analysis of morphology of the upper boundaries of GaN thin films prepared by MOCVD,
Vacuum Vol. 80 (2005) 53–57
Franta D., Ohlídal I., Petrýdes D,
Optical characterization of TiO2 thin films by the combined method of spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectroscopic photometry,
Vacuum Vol. 80 (2005) 159–162
Mahajan A, Patil L, Bange J, Gautam D,
TEOS-PECVD system for high growth rate deposition of SiO2 films,
Vacuum Vol. 79 (2005) 194–202
Ohlídal I., Franta D., Ohlídal M, Navrátil K,Determination of thicknesses and spectral dependences of refractive indices of non-absorbing and weakly absorbing thin films using the wavelengths related to extrema in spectral reflectances,
Vacuum Vol. 61 (2001) 285–289
Franta D., Zajíčková L., Ohlídal I., Janča J,
Optical characterization of diamond-like carbon films,
Vacuum Vol. 61 (2001) 279–283
Zajíčková L., Veltruská K, Tsud N, Franta D.,
XPS and ellipsometric study of DLC/silicon Interface,
Vacuum Vol. 61 (2001) 269–273
Zajíčková L., Buršíková V., Janča J,Protection Coatings for Polycarbonates Based on PECVD from Organosilicon Feeds,
Vacuum Vol. 50 (1998) 19–21