Publications in Applied Optics
Franta D., Nečas D., Ohlídal I.,Universal dispersion model for characterization of optical thin films over wide spectral range: Application to hafnia,
Applied Optics Vol. 54 (2015) 9108-9119
Nečas D., Ohlídal I., Franta D., Ohlídal M, Čudek V, Vodák J,Measurement of thickness distribution, optical constants and roughness parameters of rough non-uniform ZnSe thin films,
Applied Optics Vol. 53 (2014) 5606-5614
Janicki V, Sancho-Parramon J, Stenzel O, Lappschies M, Goertz B, Rickers C, Polenzky C, Richter U,Optical characterization of hybrid antireflective coatings using spectrophotometric and ellipsometric measurements,
Applied Optics Vol. 46 (2007) 6084–6091
Ohlídal I., Franta D., Ohlídal M, Navrátil K,Optical characterization of nonabsorbing and weakly absorbing thin films with the wavelengths related to extrema in spectral reflectances,
Applied Optics Vol. 40 (2001) 5711–5717
Ohlídal I., Navrátil K, Ohlídal M, Druckmüller M,Characterization of the basic statistical properties of very rough surfaces of transparent solids by immersion shearing interferometry,
Applied Optics Vol. 33 (1994) 7838–7845
Ohlídal I., Schmidt E, Líbezný M,Complete unambiguous optical characterization of double layers consisting of two strongly absorbing thin films by combined reflection and transmission ellipsometry,
Applied Optics Vol. 29 (1990) 593–598
Ohlídal I., Navrátil K,Analysis of the basic statistical properties of randomly rough curved surfaces by shearing interferometry,
Applied Optics Vol. 24 (1985) 2690–2695
Ohlídal I.,Expression for the reflectance of randomly rough surfaces derived with the Fresnel approximation,
Applied Optics Vol. 19 (1980) 1804–1811