Publications in Surface and Coatings Technology
Janůšová M, Nečas D., Navascués P, Hegemann D, Gavranović S, Zajíčková L.,Insight into plasma polymerization with a significant contribution of etching to the deposition process,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 540499932 (ACC) ACC
Jelínek P., Polášková K., Jeník F, Jeníková Z, Dostál L, Dvořáková E, Cerman J, Šourková H, Buršíková V., Špatenka P, Zajíčková L.,Effects of additives on atmospheric pressure gliding arc applied to the modification of polypropylene,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 372 (2019) 45-55
Kaushik P, Eliáš M., Michalička J, Hegemann D, Pytlíček Z, Nečas D., Zajíčková L.,
Atomic Layer Deposition of Titanium Dioxide on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Ammonia Gas Sensing,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 370 (2019) 235-243
Obrusník A., Jelínek P., Zajíčková L.,Modelling of the gas flow and plasma co-polymerization of two monomers in an atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge ,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 314 (2017) 139-147
Schäfer J, Hnilica J, Šperka J., Quade A, Kudrle V, Foest R, Vodák J, Zajíčková L.,Tetrakis(trimethylsilyloxy)silane for nanostructured SiO2-like films deposited by PECVD at atmospheric pressure,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 295 (2016) 112-118
Manakhov A., Michlíček M., Nečas D., Polčák J, Makhneva E., Eliáš M., Zajíčková L.,
Carboxyl-rich coatings deposited by atmospheric plasma co-polymerization of maleic anhydride and acetylene,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 295 (2016) 37-45
Makhneva E., Manakhov A., Skládal P, Zajíčková L.,
Development of effective QCM biosensors by cyclopropylamine plasma polymerization and antibody immobilization using cross-linking reactions ,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 290 (2016) 116-123
Manakhov A., Michlíček M., Nečas D., Polčák J, Makhneva E., Eliáš M., Zajíčková L.,
Carboxyl-rich coatings deposited by atmospheric plasma co-polymerization of maleic anhydride and acetylene,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 295 (2016) 37-45
Štrbková L, Manakhov A., Zajíčková L., Stoica A., Veselý P, Chmelík R,
The adhesion of normal human dermal fibroblasts to the cyclopropylamine plasma polymers studied by holographic microscopy,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 295 (2016) 70-77
Muresan M, Charvátová-Campbell A, Ondračka P., Buršíková V., Peřina V, Polcar T, Reuter S, Hammer M, Valtr M, Zajíčková L.,Protective double-layer coatings prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition on tool steel,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 272 (2015) 229-238
Bertoti I, Toth A, Mohai M, Szepvoelgyi J,Chemical structure and mechanical properties of Si-containing a-C:H and a-C thin films and their Cr- and W-containing derivatives,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 206 4, SI (2011) 630-639
Vasina P, Souček P, Schmidtova T, Eliáš M., Buršíková V., Jilek M, Jilek J, Schaefer J, Buršík J,
Depth profile analyses of nc-TiC/a-C:H coating prepared by balanced magnetron sputtering,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 205 2 (2011) S53-S56
Panagiotopoulos N, Karras G, Lidorikis E, Koutsogeorgis D, Kosmidis C, Patsalas P,
Photosensitivity and optical performance of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films processed by picosecond laser beams,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 206 4 (2011) 734-741
Schäfer J, Horn S, Rüdiger F, Brandemburg R, Vasina P, Weltmann K,
Complex analysis of SiOxCyHz films deposited by an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 205 2 (2011) S330-S334
Lasorsa C, Perillo P, Morando P,Protective SixOyCz coatings on steel prepared by plasma activated chemical vapour deposition,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 204 16-17 (2010) 2813-2816
Karásková M, Zajíčková L., Buršíková V., Franta D., Nečas D., Bláhová O, Šperka J.,
Optical and mechanical characterization of ultrananocrystalline diamond films prepared in dual frequency discharges,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 204 (2010) 1997–2001
Boscher N, Choquet P, Duday D, Verdier S,
Chemical compositions of organosilicon thin films deposited on aluminium foil by atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge and their electrochemical behaviour,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 205 7 (2010) 2438-2448
Morent R, De Geyter N, Van Vlierberghe S, Dubruel P, Leys C, Schacht E,Organic–inorganic behaviour of HMDSO films plasma-polymerized at atmospheric pressure,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 203 (2009) 1366–1372
Karkari S, Daniels S, McCraith B, Gandhiraman R,
Influence of ion bombardment on the surface functionalization of plasma deposited coatings,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 203 23 (2009) 3521-3526
Morent R, De Geyter N, Van Vlierberghe S, Dubruel P, Leys C, Schacht E,
Organic-inorganic behaviour of HMDSO films plasma-polymerized at atmospheric pressure,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 203 10-11 (2009) 1366-1372
Simor M, Fiala A, Kovacik D, Hlidek P, Wypkema A, Kuipers R,Corrosion protection of a thin aluminium layer deposited on polyester,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 201 18 (2007) 7802-7812
Bousquet A, Buršíková V., Goullet A, Djouadi A, Zajíčková L., Granier A,Comparison of Structure and Mechanical Properties of SiO2-Like Films Deposited in O-2/HMDSO Pulsed and Continuous Plasmas,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 200 (2006) 6517–6521
Přikryl R, Čech V, Zajíčková L., Vaněk J, Behzadi S, Jones R,Mechanical and Optical Properties of Plasma-Polymerized Vinyltriethoxysilane,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 200 (2005) 468–471
Carpentier J, Grundmeier G,
Chemical structure and morphology of thin bilayer and composite organosilicon and fluorocarbon microwave plasma polymer films,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 192 2-3 (2005) 189-198
Zajíčková L., Buršíková V., Peřina V, Macková A, Janča J,Correlation between SiOx content and properties of DLC : SiOx films prepared by PECVD,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 174 (2003) 281-285
Zajíčková L., Buršíková V., Peřina V, Macková A, Janča J,
Correlation Between SiOx Content and Properties of DLC : SiOx Films Prepared by PECVD,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 174 (2003) 281–285
Biederman H, Stelmashuk V, Kholodkov I, Choukourov A, Slavínská D,
RF sputtering of hydrocaarbon polymers and their derivatives,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 174 727UY (2003) 27-32
Choukourov A, Pihosh Y, Stelmashuk V, Biederman H, Slavínská D, Kormunda M, Zajíčková L.,RF Sputtering of Composite SiOx/Plasma Polymer Films and Their Basic Properties,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 151 (2002) 214–217
Zajíčková L., Buršíková V., Peřina V, Macková A, Subedi D, Janča J,Plasma Modification of Polycarbonates,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 142 (2001) 449–454
Janča J, Klíma M, Slavíček P, Zajíčková L.,HF Plasma Pencil - New Source for Plasma Surface Processing,
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 116 (1999) 547–551