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Miloslav Ohlídal, Ivan Ohlídal, Petr Klapetek, David Nečas, Vilma Buršíková

Application of spectroscopic imaging reflectometry to analysis of area non-uniformity in diamond-like carbon films

Diamond and Related Materials 18 (2009) 384–387

Complete optical characterization of diamond-like carbon (DLC) films non-uniform in thickness is performed using spectroscopic imaging reflectometry (SIR). It is shown that by using this technique it is possible to determine the area distribution (area map) of the local thickness of these films with arbitrary shape of this thickness non-uniformity. Furthermore, it is shown that in principle it is possible to determine the distributions of the refractive index and extinction coefficient of these films simultaneously with the thickness distribution, if a suitable dispersion model of these optical constants is chosen. In this paper the dispersion model of the optical constants of the DLC films based on parameterization of density of electronic states (DOS) is used. The values of the material parameters of this dispersion model are determined too. It is shown that the DLC films studied do not exhibit the area non-uniformity in material parameters and optical constants. The method presented can be used to characterize the non-uniform films consisting of other materials.

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