Miloslav Ohlídal, Ivan Ohlídal, David Nečas, Jiří Vodák, Daniel Franta, Pavel Nádaský, František Vižďa
Proc: Possibilities and limitations of imaging spectroscopic reflectometry in optical characterization of thin films
Optical Systems Design 2015: Optical Fabrication, Testing, and Metrology V, Optical Systems Design 2015: Optical Fabrication, Testing, and Metrology V, Jena, Germany, September 7-10, 2015 (2015) pp.96280R
Published by SPIE
It is possible to encounter thin films exhibiting various defects in practice. One of these defects is area non-uniformity in optical parameters (e.g. in thickness). Therefore it is necessary to have methods for an optical characterization of nonuniform thin films. Imaging spectroscopic reflectometry provides methods enabling us to perform an efficient optical characterization of such films. It gives a possibility to determine spectral dependencies of a local reflectance at normal incidence of light belonging to small areas (37 μm × 37 μm in our case) on these non-uniform films. The local reflectance is measured by individual pixels of a CCD camera serving as a detector of an imaging spectroscopic reflectometer. It is mostly possible to express the local reflectance using formulas corresponding to a uniform thin film. It allows a relatively simple treatment of the experimental data obtained by imaging spectroscopic reflectometry. There are three methods for treating these experimental data in the special case of thickness non-uniformity, i.e. in the case of the same optical constants within a certain area of the film - single pixel imaging spectroscopic reflectometry method, combination of single-pixel imaging spectroscopic reflectometry method and conventional methods (conventional single spot spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectrophotometry), and multi-pixel imaging spectroscopic reflectometry method. These methods are discussed and examples of the optical characterization of thin films non-uniform in thickness corresponding to these methods are presented in this contribution.
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