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Ivan Ohlídal, Daniel Franta, Bohuslav Rezek, Miroslav Ohlídal

Proc: Analysis of single layers placed on slightly rough surfaces by spectroscopic ellipsometry, spectroscopic reflectometry and atomic force microscopy

Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, 7th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (1997) pp.1051–1054

Published by John Willey & Sons, Chichester, England, UK

Surfaces of solids exhibiting slight random roughness are often encountered in practice. This roughness influences some physical and chemical properties of these surface (e.g. both the optical and electrical properties of the solid surfaces can be influenced by this roughness in an enormous way). The situation is mostly complicated by the fact that the rough surfaces are covered with thin films. This fact must be respected at studies of these rough surfaces as well. In this paper a method based on a combination of spectroscopic ellipsometry, spectroscopic reflectometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM) allowing to characterize the slightly rough surfaces covered with very thin films will be described. This method will be illustrated by results achieved at the analysis of the slightly rough surfaces of silicon single crystal covered with native oxide layers.

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