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Jan Voráč, Adam Obrusník, Vojtěch Procházka, Pavel Dvořák, Marek Talába

Spatially resolved measurement of hydroxyl radical (OH) concentration in an argon RF plasma jet by planar laser-induced fluorescence

Plasma Sources Science and Technology 23 (2014) 025011

A spatially resolved two-dimensional quantitative measurement of OH concentration in an effluent of a radio-frequency-driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet ignited in argon is presented. The measurement is supported by a gas dynamics model which gives detailed information about the spatially resolved gas composition and temperature. The volume in which the OH radicals were found and partially also the total amount of OH radicals increase with the argon flow rate, up to a value for which the flow becomes turbulent. In the turbulent regime, both the emission from the jet and the OH concentration are confined to a smaller volume. The maximum concentration of about 5.4 x 1021 m−3

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DOI: 10.1088/0963-0252/23/2/025011

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