Adriano Francescangeli, Fabio Palumbo, Riccardo d\'Agostino, Christophe Defranoux
Pulsed Plasma Deposition from Vinyltrimethylsilane/Oxygen Mixtures
Plasma Processes and Polymers 6 (2009) 132-138
In this work, SiO(2)-like films have been deposited in a capacitive coupled parallel plate reactor using low pressure, pulsed O(2)/VTMS plasmas. The influence of the duty cycle and of the period on the structure of films at fixed gas feed composition are shown. It has been demonstrated that the chemical process developed depends very much on the modulation parameters, and that the OFF time significantly contributes to the overall process kinetics. Furthermore, some indication have been obtained on the possibility of getting multistack gas barrier coatings by alternating organic and inorganic layers, in which the inorganic layer is deposited by means of modulated plasma processes based on vinyltrimethylsilane feeds.
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