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Petr Klapetek, David Nečas, Anna Campbellová, A Yacoot, L Koenders

Methods for determining and processing 3D errors and uncertainties for AFM data analysis

Measurement Science and Technology 22 (2011) 025501

This paper describes the processing of three-dimensional (3D) scanning probe microscopy (SPM) data. It is shown that 3D volumetric calibration error and uncertainty data can be acquired for both metrological atomic force microscope systems and commercial SPMs. These data can be used within nearly all the standard SPM data processing algorithms to determine local values of uncertainty of the scanning system. If the error function of the scanning system is determined for the whole measurement volume of an SPM, it can be converted to yield local dimensional uncertainty values that can in turn be used for evaluation of uncertainties related to the acquired data and for further data processing applications (e.g. area, ACF, roughness) within direct or statistical measurements. These have been implemented in the software package Gwyddion.

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DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/22/2/025501

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