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P. Hajkova, P. Louda, P. Spatenka, A. Kolouch, P. Spatenka, Olga Bláhová, Vilma Buršíková

Comparison of evaluating methods of thin films nanohardness

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 (2006) B1162-B1168

The aim of this investigation is comparison of different nanohardness measurement methods of thin films. The first method investigated is Vickers indentation and the second one Berkovich indentation. The measurements were carried out on Fischerscop H100 and Nanoindenter XP (MTS) devices. Sapphire and spinel monocrystales where used as an etalon for measurement to eliminate the influence of material inhomogenity. The same load was used for both methods to enable comparison of the measured values.

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