Pavel Slavíček, A. Brablec, V Kapicka, Miloš Klíma, Martin Šíra
Longitudinal emission diagnostics of plasma channel in rf barrier torch discharge
Acta Physica Slovaca 55 (2005) 573-576
We present longitudinal emission diagnostics of the plasma channel in the special design of the plasma pencil - rf barrier torch discharge. This configuration has been developed for deposition of thin films on various surfaces. Using optical emission spectroscopy the spectroscopic quantities were determined as well as the longitudinal distribution of rotational temperature in the plasma channel is presented.
Cited Articles
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Diagnostics and Application of the High Frequency Plasma Pencil,
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Klíma M., Slavíček P., Zajíčková L., Janča J., Kuzmin S., Sulovský P.,
Plasma-Liquid Technologies for Treatment of Archaeological Artifacts,
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 49 (1999) 321–328