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Jiří Polcar, Martin Topinka, David Nečas, René Hudec, Věra Hudcová, Filip Hroch, Nicola Masetti, Graziella Pizzichini, Eliana Palazzi

Search for correlations between BATSE gamma-ray bursts and supernovae

Astronomy and Astrophysics 452 (2006) 439–449

We report on our statistical research of space-time correlated supernovae and CGRO-BATSE gamma-ray bursts. There exists a significantly higher abundance of core-collapse supernovae among the correlated supernovae, but the subset of all correlated objects does not seem to be physically different from the whole set. The upper limit of the fraction of possibly correlated GRBs and SNe is of order of a few percent.

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DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-3875-5_74

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